Link al gruppo TELEGRAM di Dwarf Fortress

Un nuovo migrante...

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09/12/2012, 21:03
RayLocke has been quite content lately. He slept in a fine bedroom lately. He dined in a fine dining room lately. He talked with a friend lately. He was able to rest and recuperate lately.
He is fifteen years old born on the 6th of May in the year 1997.
He is of average height and of average weight. His hair is short. He has blue eyes. His skin is pale pink.
He is quick to tire. He is quite quick to heal. He has a sharp intellect, and he has the ability to focus.
He has very good intuition, but he has a shortage of patience. He is often nervous. He is quick to anger. He rarely feels discouraged. He can handle stress. He tends to avoid crowds. He is relaxed. He is open-minded to new ideas. He is put off by authority and tradition. He is guarded in relationships with others. He finds helping others rewarding. He is disorganized. He takes time when making decisions.

A medium-sized creature prone to great ambition.

Beh, mi pare abbastanza nanica come presentazione ;)
Una soluzione? Usa un po' di magma. Non funziona? Usa più magma.
10/12/2012, 11:28
originale :D benvenuto
Il primo blog italiano interamente dedicato a Dwarf Fortress, un grazie a chi ci visita e ci sostiene.

contatti in privato per maggiori informazioni.
11/12/2012, 11:42
Benvenuto! :D

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