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99 messaggi
30/08/2013, 15:53

beh sarà moddabile il tileset no? A me piacerebbe crearne uno, mi hanno sempre divertito i tileset :)
Strike the earth!
01/09/2013, 1:22
Cataclysm è uno di quei pochi giochi dove si può giocare in tranquillamente in acsii senza problemi.
I simboli sono pochi, ordinati e senza pretese artistiche, solo funzionali(per fortuna).

Il gioco è e resta un signor gioco ma quando si diventa bravini e si comincia a sopravvivere facilmente perde un po' di mordente per i motivi che ho detto.
Spero che la nuova versione abbia corretto il sopravvissuto killer(quello rappresentato dalla chiocciolina rossa), che andandosene in giro sempre con fucile a pompa ti oneshottava senza darti la minima chance... :twisted:
01/09/2013, 23:34
Tool90 ha scritto:

beh sarà moddabile il tileset no? A me piacerebbe crearne uno, mi hanno sempre divertito i tileset :)

Penso proprio di si,sarebbe insensato il contrario.
Comunque nell'attuale versione experimental si può già giocare con il tileset.
nig3l ha scritto:
Cataclysm è uno di quei pochi giochi dove si può giocare in tranquillamente in acsii senza problemi.
I simboli sono pochi, ordinati e senza pretese artistiche, solo funzionali(per fortuna).

Il gioco è e resta un signor gioco ma quando si diventa bravini e si comincia a sopravvivere facilmente perde un po' di mordente per i motivi che ho detto.
Spero che la nuova versione abbia corretto il sopravvissuto killer(quello rappresentato dalla chiocciolina rossa), che andandosene in giro sempre con fucile a pompa ti oneshottava senza darti la minima chance... :twisted:
Concordo sull ascii dopo un paio di giocate si capisce gran parte dei simboli,non come DF che alle prime partite non si capisce nulla xD
Il mio attuale personaggio è ai primi giorni d'inverno ed è il più longevo sopravvissuto che io abbia mai avuto maaaa non so più che fare quindi si alla lunga annoia.
Per gli npc killer l'unica soluzione è evitarli...o investirli :lol: ma pure gli npc amichevoli non scherzano,io ero riuscito a farmene alleato uno quando questo sparisce all'improvviso ,più tardi passando in auto vicino al luogo della scomparsa l'npc riappare...dentro alla mia macchina! wtf?! :o da li a poco tenterà di uccidermi con una bottiglia di plastica..dannati bug
Mafol Astzon, hunting Giant Bat (Tame) has grown attached to a cave spider silk cloak!
03/09/2013, 15:17
Ha provato a ucciderti con una bottiglia di plastica? XD chi era, Jason Bourne? Meno male che non aveva una penna biro :D
Strike the earth!
18/09/2013, 14:01
0.8: tileset operativi. :o

Personalmente mi sono talmente abituato all acsii che a vederli mi fan schifo, ma ad alcuni faranno piacere!
18/11/2013, 23:13
La versione 0.9 è uscita ,i cambiamenti principali sono: il nuovo tileset selezionabile,la possibilità di avere più mondi in contemporanea,il supporto per il mouse in alcune azioni,sistema di costruzione veicoli cambiato e molto altro. Changelog completo
World Factory: Multiple worlds managed at once.
New mutation categories.
Basic mouse support in SDL builds.
Vehicle construction system rework.
Backward compatibility with 0.8 saves.
Unbelievable amount of new content.

New mutation categories.
Blob drops are semi-useful.
World Factory: Multiple worlds managed at once.
Single keypress pulping.
Better Basements.
Dynamically swap between text and tiles, and among tilesets.
Funnels catch water when the player is far away.
Curvy roads.
V menu now lists monsters too.
Emergency vehicles.
Shia's back.
Doors tougher, but zombies can pile on when trying to bash through them.
Spawning monsters in packs.
Shopping carts are driveable.
Basic mouse support in SDL builds.
Food dehydrator.
Some clothes have hoods that are used automatically if there's no hat in the way.
Only prompt to confirm butchering if there are hostiles nearby.
Books have chapters.
Better furniture dragging interface with 'G'rab.
More cart types, hot dog, welding, luggage; swivel chairs.
Track more stuff for memorial file.
Basic tool quality support for more streamlined crafting recipes.
Fungaloid rework.
Vehicle workbench like components act like tools.
Huge pile o books.
Furniture and terrain definitions moved to json.
Survivor armor.
Large numbers of wild animals.
Power system for vehicles and battery components.
Reinforced vehicle components.
Vehicle construction system rework.
Multi-square vehicle doors.
Make vehicles more resilient to damage and better able to smash through obstacles.
Vehicle spawns have personality added in various ways.
Removed action interruption from drug cravings.
Ludicrous numbers of new foods.
Vehicle horns.
Backward compatibility with 0.8 saves.
Stylish trait.
Pickup partial stacks.
Flaming weapons.
Too many new professions to list.
Diseases can now be bodypart specific (bleeding, bites).
Reworked martial arts framework. Arts are no longer pseudo-items, and can be mostly defined in json.
Reworked and streamlined bionics failure chance and install UI.
Streamlined continuous reading.

Monsters that don't take damage no longer leave blood trails.
Broken gas tanks act broken.
Highlighting lines in tiles mode.
Show all sounds made by player.
Disassemble items with charges properly.
Suppress smoke warning when you have a gas mask.
Stims work again.
Menu cleanups all over.
Better in-city detection for roads.
Funnel filling.
Step on visible trap warning.
Vomiting lethality nerfed.
Better ignore monster for now feature.
Massive audit of item values by Rivet.
Prevent input overbuffering when it's raining.
Eating related bugs.
Hallucination fixes.
Vehicle mounted turrets.
Crafting consuming containers with contents.
Prevents many actions from passing through walls.
Weird handling of cancelled item use.
Gunmods with firing modes.
Stabilized monster coordinates.
Many fixes in defense mode.
Charge rifle charging.

Essendo che non trovo l'opzione per tornare all'ascii sto provando un nuovo tileset in stile ascii,a mio parere merita un casino devo solo abituarmi ai nuovi simboli Immagine
Mafol Astzon, hunting Giant Bat (Tame) has grown attached to a cave spider silk cloak!
09/03/2014, 14:31
Nuova release,0.A Kaufman. Hanno aggiunto il mod manager con già alcune mod presenti (tipo la Dino,old gun ecc),l'utilizzo del mouse per spostamenti e visualizzazione degli oggetti circostanti ,la pesca (finalmente!), i frigoriferi funzionanti e la solita caterva di bugfix,aggiunte di oggetti, abilità,tratti,mutazioni...e la traduzione in italiano,in minima parte si ma ci son già diversi utenti che ci lavorano :D

Changelog completo :
Module manager.
Fullscreen mode.
Many mutations, more refined mutation progression.
Improved view options for driving.
Improved item handling, including category views, partial stack handling.
Mouse move and mouselook.
Working Refrigerators.

View item on mouse hover in SDL.
Mouse move.
Basic LUA support.
Vehicles disintegrate into their constituent parts on impact.
Fuel tanks preserve their contents when removed/installed.
Vehicle construction and repair using duct tape.
More distinct mutation trees, including branch thresholds and post-threshold mutations.
Interact with monsters on stairs.
Guilt from killing monsters tapers off as you kill more of them.
Can track vehicles with a GPS module.
Allow filtering constructions by the ones you can do right now (can toggle).
Idling for vehicles, can effectively run as generators.
Minifridge that keeps food fresh longer.
Clothing pockets and hoods only activate when needed. (for warmth)
Inventory and crafting menus support listing items by category.
Expanded underwater combat.
Item spoilage rate varies based on temperature.
More info in list monsters menu.
Rechargeable battery pack mod for tools.
Gunmods are installed on rails now.
Better gender handling at character creation.
Expanded vehicle electrical system.
Can pick up or drop partial stacks.
Shove items out of the way when closing a door.
Radioactive items.
Mutation friendly clothing.
Remove prompt to resume task, of course you want to.
Vehicle facing indicator (option).
Fullscreen mode.
Show contents of grabbed vehicle (e.g. your shopping cart) in advanced inventory pane.
Fishing, find a pole!
Automatic view shifting when driving (option).
Zoom mode that dynamically resizes tiles (pretty slow when zoomed unfortunately).
Search known recipes by output, tool or component.

Overmap tiles moved to json.
Lots of warning cleanup.
More development of internal json library.
Mod manager.
Can define mapgen for tiles in json or LUA.
Traps moved to json.
Standalone json checker.
Refactored monsters and players to have a common parent class.
Retrieve items from inventory based on location instead of invlet.
Ammo types moved to json.
Blacklist and whitelist for including/excluding content.

Sleep increases rate of fatigue recovery and healing over time.
Remove automatic matches and poketknife from player spawn.
Add skintight flag for underwear-type clothing to negate layering penalties.
First Aid and bandages take time to apply now.
Increased city size variability.
Turrets have finite ammo.
Reduce rate of damage for "real armor" as opposed to "clothes".
Zombies spawn at last stand locations.
Burning ammo only throws shrapnel, no explosion.
Increased crafting distance to 6 to enable large workshops.
Progressive difficulty searching for lab notes.
Progressive difficulty searching for lab notes.
Large-scale vehicle rebalances.
Improved code that determines what body part is hit by an attack.
Water purification methods use one charge per unit of water.
Buffed water resistant clothing.
Removed acid puddles from acid rain. (no more melting items).
Buffed most zombie HP.
Large nerf to solar panels.
Effectively remove cap to starting points option (set to 1,000).
More interesting gun misfire/jam mechanics, guns can take damage now.
Varied rate of projectile breakage with a flag, more differentiation between arrow types.
Ammo with special effects (smoke, teargas, explosions) now go off when burned.

Atomic coffee, energy drink and hypospray, lawn darts, MOLLE pack, fingertip razors.
Too many mutations to list, including mutagen types and recipes.
Map types, ammo reloads, vehicle curtains, creepy doll, whiskey barrels.
Hibernation mutation, lots of cop and fireman gear, IV mutagen, piles of new traits.
Mutation-themed dreams, cowbell, atomic batteries, dojo and contents,
vending machines and bank cards.
Dinocataclysm added as a mod at long last!
Lots more terrain and furniture is now bashable.
Several new houses and other buildings.
Variations of vehicle condition (damaged, blood-splattered, engine running, etc)
Creatures fling around appropriate fluids and chunks when gibbed.
Several content packs that allow enabling/disabling different categories of content.

Prevent artifact swords from sticking all the time.
Royal jelly and blood filter heal dermatik infections.
Make active items (ticking bombs, rotting food) work in vehicle storage.
Prevent teleportation and stairclimbing from erasing monsters.
Lots of UI tweaks.
Fix bug where items couldn't be thrown over water.
Erase scentmap when we move between floors.
Handle adjacent overmaps better, including notes.
Lots of recipes moved fro auto-learn on skill thresholds to being learned from books.
Fixed vehicle rendering when dragging.
Can craft from items in vehicle storage.
Only count loudest vehicle engine for noise generation instead of adding them together.
Fix weird bug where being too strong made you bad at throwing things.
Fixed several related vehicle board/unboard bugs.
Player displayed in correct position when peeking.
Fixed lots of menu drawing glitches.
Height/width options make more sense, total instead of based on view width.
Limit indoor dimly lit areas to the same view distance as outside.
Fix bug where vehicles and windows projected light at dawn and dusk.
Targeting defaults to nearest enemy.
Toggling between enemies includes hostile NPCs.
Vehicle turrets no longer shoot player or their own vehicle.
Fixed issue where exploding items could destroy themselves and cause a segfault.
Check for errors when attempting to write files and take appropriate action.
Fixed some lab finale features.
Fixed vehicle workshops being usable as components in recipes.
Cruise control is now smooth, even the sportscar is driveable.
Sinkholes don't turn into pits after you step in them.
Can no longer block attacks in your sleep.
Translations build and ship with releases.

Many overmap generation performance improvements.
Stop updating scent if player hasn't moved for a while, makes waiting and sleeping go much faster.
Optimized bitflag methods for very frequently used flags.
Heavy refactor of crafting menu for more speed.
Heavy optimization of scent diffusion.
Declare strings as const to avoid reallocating them all the time.
Lots of caching of vehicle parts.
Vision calculation speedups.
Refactored map loading to chunk up map data into tiny (1KB or so) files, so save/load is nearly instantaneous.
Mafol Astzon, hunting Giant Bat (Tame) has grown attached to a cave spider silk cloak!
10/03/2014, 2:50
Devo fare assolutamente un ritorno al buon vecchio ASCII. Ti ho dimenticato da troppo tempo amico mio ;)
10/03/2014, 16:31
Carb ha scritto:
Devo fare assolutamente un ritorno al buon vecchio ASCII. Ti ho dimenticato da troppo tempo amico mio ;)
Se dovesse mancare la voglia di reimparare il significato di tutti i simboli ci sono disponibili nel gioco 4 tileset,basta impostarli nelle opzioni :)
Mafol Astzon, hunting Giant Bat (Tame) has grown attached to a cave spider silk cloak!
10/03/2014, 20:20
Mi hai fatto tornare voglia..
è l'unico roguelike in cui sono forte lol
Ma hanno corretto quel bug che rendeva dormire un macello(sempre troppo caldo o freddo..) ?

Ora scarico nuova versione
99 messaggi

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